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Ashampoo Core Tuner 1.10 Portable
  30.06.2009, 16:13
Use all the processor power you paid for! Almost all modern computers have at least two processors, which are generally referred to as “cores”. Some even have four. Unfortunately, Windows often doesn’t manage your multiple cores very well, so you’re not actually getting the full multi-processor power you paid for. Ashampoo Core Tuner enables you to use the full power of all your cores. For instant results you just need to select Auto-Optimize to optimize all the programs you are running or Boost to give more power to a single program.

You can also fine-tune individual processes, display a live view of the current workloads of all your processor cores and enhance the overall performance of your system with additional tools.

Instant one-click results
You don’t have to have a computer science degree to get all the benefits of Core Tuner. The program manages your processor cores for you to make full use of their power.

One-click Auto-Optimize intelligently assigns the load of all the programs you’re currently running to make best use of all your processor cores.
One-click Boost does the same for individual programs. Just select the program from the list and click Boost to give it more processor power.
Live View shows you how all your processor cores are working in real time.

Fine-tuning for users who want more
If you want to really max out your machine’s performance you can manually fine-tune the core workload settings for every program you use.

You can set the “priority” in five levels to adjust the amount of processor power each program gets. You can also specify how many processor cores each program gets to use. This can deliver particularly good results with modern graphics and video editing programs and other applications that make full use of multiple processors.

Every time you change a program’s settings a “profile” containing your changes is saved automatically and can be reused whenever you want. You can quickly return to your original settings or reload the profile to activate the saved settings in a single operation.

You can also kill (terminate) programs that are stuck and processes that you suspect of malicious behavior.

Информация о программе:
Язык интерфейса: английский + русский
Разработчик: Mozilla
Год выхода: 2009
Размер (RAR): 6.2 Мб
Информация для воссстановления: 2%
без пароля



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