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Kantaris Media Player 0.5.0 Portable
  11.06.2009, 01:11
Kantaris is an all new media player based on code from Videolan client (VLC) and Bass audio library. Kantaris has a graphical user interface similar to that of Windows Media Player. Kantaris can play almost anything you can throw at it -- AVI, MPEG, MGEG-AVC, WMV, MOV, MKV, quicktime, matroska, divx, xvid, H264, MP3, WMA, OGG files and more. Kantaris can also play DVDs and audio CDs. The player also displays some of the most beautiful music visualizations ever seen. Kantaris Media Player aims to be an all-in-one media player that provides a great audio and video experience. Kantaris is an open-source alternative to Windows Media Player with similar GUI and features.

Video playback is based upon Videolan Client (VLC) w Videolan Client (VLC) which enables Kantaris to play almost anything without the need of installing any separate codecs. It features an attractive skin, some nice audio visualizations, and integration with Last.fm and Apple movies trailers.

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