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ESET Smart Security Home Edition 4.2.40 Final
  10.04.2010, 16:56
Changes in ESET Smart Security 4.2.40:
* Fix: Issues with HTTP scanner with longer domain names ( support for length of domain name to 256 characters)
* Fix: Issues after PC restart when firewall system integration is "only scan application protocols"
* Fix: When ESS installed with disabled FW, dialog about trusted networks not displayed
* Fix: Installation of ESS using Remote Desktop; after selecting firewall's "Interactive mode", the session will interrupt
* Fix: Long file name makes trouble with logs in "document protection enabled" mode
* Fix: Scan profile settings not retained after reinstallation
* Fix: Open ESI log of EAV doesn't work on Microsoft Windows NT4.0
* Fix: Not possible to save EAV's ESI log and export service script on Microsoft Windows NT4.0
* Fix: Wrong settings imported from ESS configuration cause problems in EAV
* Fix: All ESI logs are lost after upgrade from V4 to V4.2
* Fix: Impossible to delete the on-demand Scan Log in ESS
* Fix: Fixed ceasing of scan tasks when logged in as standard user
* Fix: Minor issues with Trusted zone conversion from older to newer version
* Fix: Unification of behavior when disabling some parts of EAV/ESS/EMS in the main settings window
* Fix: Possible to delete log of a running on-demand scan
* Fix: X64 Vista + win7: UAC appears when opening ESI log from ESS/EAV GUI
* Fix: Minor Thunderbird and Outlook issues

Год выпуска: 2010
Версия: 4.2.40 Final
Язык: Русский
Лекарство: Cracked
Размер:41 / 45 MB


Категория: защита и востановление системы | Добавил: yanett | Теги: ESET, 4.2.40, защита и востановление системы, Final, Smart, Edition, Security, HOME
Просмотров: 477 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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